When the whole world is celebrating love Finland has it’s unique interpretation of the 14th of February. In Finland the Valentine´s Day is more like an appreciation for friends and friendships.
Ystävänpäivä is the Finnish name for St. Valentine’s day. It means “Friendship Day” in the Finnish language, or “Day of the friends”. So this day is not only for sweethearts but here it includes everybody from Friends, family, neighbors and even colleagues.

Finland started celebrating “Friendship Day” in the late 1980’s and it has been officially included in Finnish calendars since 1996. The celebration is deeply rooted in the Finnish culture and Valentine’s Day is the second-biggest season for cards in Finland.
It’s not often enough that we let our friends know what an impact they make on our lives. We think it’s special and important that Finland has an entire day dedicated to showing appreciation and love to friends. Friends are a vital part of a happy life, even science backs up the idea that friends make us healthier.
Let them know what they mean to you this February 14th!