Love Your Body
Softer, smoother, hydrated and supple. Firming maybe, sometimes even rejuvenating. And always moisturizing. The demands we place on our face care are multiple, complex, even extravagant. But have you considered placing that level of scrutiny on your body care? You should. And now you can.
The “facialization” of body care got a real boost when the covid pandemic forced us all indoors and turned our focus into ensuring our skin is healthy and glowing, not just covered, highlighted and masked. We learned to demand more from our skin care at home: simplicity instead of dozens of products and active ingredients that deliver real results. And that boost is now making waves also in body care. Ingredients you learned to love on your face are making their way onto your body too.
We are diving into the body care trend that we know you will love!

Like with face products, simplicity is key. When it comes to skin, the age old truth is that less is more and that using too many products doesn’t guarantee effective results. Layering on multiple products, especially on dry legs and upper arms, can even clog pores and furthermore might cause hair to grow inwards or generate small imperfections that make the skin feel bumpy.
Choose body products that work in all the ways you need them to. Start with moisture - a body lotion is like silk on your skin. But if you want to boost skin regeneration too, no need to add an anti-age product to the mix, but instead choose a multipurpose product.
The secret is in the ingredient list: find active ingredients that you know will bring results on your face and settle for nothing less on your body.
To keep it extra simple, avoid harsh chemicals and go au naturel. There is no need to make compromises in efficiency even if you choose natural products. After all, at Henua we know firsthand that efficacy comes in many, always natural, forms.

You indulge in a facial every now and then. Why not extend that same pampering to your body? We all have areas in our body that require some extra love and care every now and then. Maybe winter makes your shins dry as Sahara or you notice your elbows turning coarser after all those at-home workouts.
Time to introduce the Love Your Body spa day. Giving some attention to the areas that need it goes a long way in allowing you to keep the daily routine short and simple. The skin on our bodies is thicker than on the face, so you need to scrub it properly every now and then in order to get dead skin cells off and be able to apply products to get their full benefit.
A gentle dry bushing is a great option, or exfoliating the skin with fine sea salt during the shower, but if your skin is very sensitive, you might want to opt for a classic home beauty recipe: mixing a little bit of olive oil with sugar. Apply the mixture gently to the areas that need attention and wash away any residue. This will make your skin hydrated and clean, ready to absorb active ingredients from your body lotion.
Final step to beautiful and healthy skin on your body is to simply follow your face care routine: go for the active ingredients you love. The Henua Body Lotion is made of natural actives, sea buckthorn and birch sap which help promote hydration, but also look after your skin's elasticity and regeneration.

To take it one step further, we have even packed our body lotion with lemongrass and cornflower oil, to ensure that in addition to those essential skin benefits, the product will rejuvenate your mind too as well as help your circulation and remove excess fluid when you smooth it onto your skin.
Because the body care trend we want to promote is one that brings love to both: body and soul.
Lyhyesti suomeksi
Vartalonhoito on ajankohtaisempaa kuin koskaan, sillä pandemian myötä olemme vihdoin kääntäneet katseet hyvinvoivaan ja terveeseen ihoon sen sijaan että peittäisimme vain sen pintaa. Ihonhoito on suositumpaa kuin koskaan ja kasvotuotteiden tehoaineet ovat vihdoin löytäneet tiensä myös vartalotuotteisiin. Uudet ihonhoitotrendit tuovat kasvohoidon omaiset tulokset myös vartalolle ja kannustavat hoitamaan ihoa kotikylpylässä. Kuorittu ja kosteutettu iho voi hyvin ja myös vastaanottaa tehoaineet vaivatta. Kosteuttava, elvyttävä ja kiinteyttävä vartalovoide löytyy tänä vuonna jokaisesta kylpyhuoneesta!