The new skin superhero: Sea buckthorn
If you are like us and want to reduce the amount of ingredients you put on your face every day, it becomes paramount to choose actives that are not only potent but also multitask. One of those miracle workers is sea buckthorn.
The plant is actually a small, orange berry that grows in coastal, rugged areas like the shores of Finland but also in Asia. Its powers have been known for centuries and it's mentioned all around the world from India to Greek mythology and Chinese medicine.
While the cosmetics industry has been successful in harvesting numerous superberries over the last years, few are as versatile as sea buckthorn in their skin benefits. The vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant contents of the berry makes it ideal for improving the overall healthy appearance of the skin.

Sea buckthorn ingredients that are good for skin
The little potent berry is especially high in vitamin C and vitamin E. In fact, the sea buckthorn plant berries contain over ten times more vitamin C than an orange, and are among the highest sources of vitamin E in the plant world.
It is also one of the only natural sources to contain all four types of omega fatty acids: omega-3, omega-6, omega-7, and omega-9. Fatty acids promote a radiant glow and their anti-inflammatory effects are unrivaled. While many products can boast one or two of the variants, sea buckthorn has all the goodness in one package.
In total, sea buckthorn contains some 20 minerals and 60 antioxidants. Pretty good for a berry that small!

Why use sea buckthorn for skin care?
The nutrients in sea buckthorn make it a dream come true to any skincare provider. Because of the multitude of vitamins, fatty acids and minerals, it also has a multitude of benefits for different skin conditions.
Often sea buckthorn is used for anti-aging skin care products. Sea buckthorn repairs oxidative damage on skin. It also hydrates and promotes the formation of collagen, which is a structural protein and essential for youthful looking skin. The anti-aging benefits of collagen are one of the best researched in the world and activating collagen production is one of the best known ways to prevent signs of aging. It is known for helping to plump the skin and prevent sagging to smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles.
Another key benefit of sea buckthorn is its ability to promote glowing and fresh skin. This is due to the rich Vitamin C content of the berry which not only helps in brightening the skin but also fights age spots.
Finally, oil from sea buckthorn berries is used to repair skin barrier and inflammation. It helps to boost the overall health of skin and in turn also keep the skin balanced so that it even fights acne causing bacteria.
Sea buckthorn is one of those rare superheros that works for almost any type of skin: aging, sensitive, even acne prone. Adding it to your skincare routine is a lifelong investment that keeps paying off year after year.

Lyhyesti suomeksi
Jos haluat vähentää ihonhoidossa käyttämiesi ainesosien määrää, on entistä tärkeämpää löytää tehoaineita, jotka toimivat oikeina monitoimituotteina. Tyrni on kautta aikojen ollut tunnettu niin terveysvaikutteisena kuin kauneudenhoidonkin moniottelijana. Se sisältää lukuisia eri vitamiineja, mineraaleja ja antioksidantteja. Kenties tärkein ominaisuus ihonhoidon kannalta on kuitenkin sen sisältämät rasvahapot - nimittäin kaikki neljä omega-rasvahappoa löytyvät tästä pienestä marjasta. Monesti tyrniä löytyy ikääntyvälle iholle tarkoitetuista tuotteista. Se auttaakin kkollageenin muodostumisessa ja oon siksi erinomainen ihon kimmoisuuden hoidossa. Tyrni sisältää myös runsaasti C-vitamiinia, joten se kirkastaa ihoa ja auttaa myös pigmenttiläiskien hoidossa. Tyrniöljyä voidaan käyttää jopa herkän ja akneihon hoitoon. Se onkin harvoja kasveja, jonka tehosta kaikki ihotyypit hyötyvät.