Read what Henua users say about their skin before and after

Please find summary of the text in Finnish at the end of this blog post/ Suomenkielinen tiivistelmä blogin lopussa.

We founded Henua Organics to heal skin. Like hundreds - thousands of women around the world, we too learned personally what it is like to have your skin react to harsh chemicals, artificial fragrances, preservatives and other ingredients added routinely to mainstream cosmetics.

Because we know first hand what it is like to try and balance life with skin that reacts to external irritants, is sensitive, keeps breaking into acne or is just prone to redness in every situation, we wanted to gift our products to some of the women battling these symptoms too. We wanted to share the effect of natural ingredients that are known to benefit skin and help its natural healing process. But we also wanted these wonderful women to feel what it is like when you can enjoy luxurious skincare products again. The result? Read and see for yourself.


Best products to balance rosacea and redness on skin

“I suffer from rosacea that activates from all kinds of reasons. My skin is red and my nose has spider veins. It is also sensitive and dry on the surface. My problem is that after washing my face it feels tight and red. During the day my skin gets oily and shiny”, Mari, one of our testers describes.

“After I started using Henua products I couldn’t believe it. Even my mother asked what I had done to my skin because it was glowing. The redness and itchiness is gone and I no longer get bumps on my skin. My skin also feels more even and moisturised. Even my self esteem is better with better skin”, she tells us after the 30 day test period.

Mari, like other women who participated in our group, used three products for one month: Nourishing Oil Cleanser, Miracle Vitamin Oil and the Recharging Moisturizer.

“I feel the Henua products are really great quality and my skin has had a major improvement due to using them”, says Sanna.

Natural adult acne treatment

While right moisturisation is key to letting skin balance out its natural activity, it is actually washing that often irritates our skin most and throws it off balance. This is especially true to more oily skin types. Using formulas that are tuu efficient, we actually wash away skins defense mechanisms. That is why we wanted our testers to try out the oil cleanser in their 30 day routine - especially those women who suffer from break outs and enlarged pores.

“A big change that I’ve noticed is my pores. Especially in my nose I have large pores and they get clogged easily. Now they appear much smaller and don’t fill with sebum as much”, says Sanna-Kaisa, who has oily skin and used to struggle with keeping makeup looking fresh all day.


“I get pimples and bumps on my skin all over. I want to use natural skin care but haven’t been able to find a suitable range. But after using Henua products I finally have a range that my face accepts. The cream absorbs beautifully, skin doesn’t itch and I have much less pimples. Now I’ve also started using the oil cleanser which has kept improving my skin even more”, Anna describes after her experience with our products.


Skincare products to solve skin problems

Not all skin problems are created equal. You don’t have to suffer from difficult symptoms to feel less than comfortable in your own skin. Even small changes in environment, climate or hormones can cause imbalance and venturing to use a product that isn’t ideal to your skin type can give an unwanted short-term effect. Whatever the reason, we all deserve to enjoy our skin.


A simple trick like stopping the use of the wrong moisturiser can make a dramatic difference in skin tone and appearance of fine lines.


“My skin was extremely dry and patchy, now it has consistently stayed soft and supple. I feel that even at the end of the day I still don’t feel a need to add moisturiser. That has caused also my wrinkles around the eyes to look less pronounced”, Anniina says after moisturising her skin with Henua Recharge moisturiser and Miracle Vitamin Oil for one month.


“As I get older my skin feels less firm and dark circles and sagging around the eyes makes my face look tired. After using Henua products for a month my skin feels healthier and more even. I can even feel it being more firm and moisturised. A tired and dry surface of my skin has a new look and feels great - as do I”, Erja says.


Lyhyesti suomeksi

Henua Organics on olemassa, koska tiedämme itse omasta kokemuksesta millaista on, kun kosmetiikka ärsyttää ihoa, aiheuttaa näppylöitä, kutinaa tai kiristystä. Halusimme luoda tuotesarjan kaikille, jotka haluavat helpotusta iholleen mutta silti nauttia ylellisen kosmetiikan luomasta tunteesta. Emme kuitenkaan tehneet tätä vain itseämme varten. Toukokuussa jaoimme muutamalle testaajalle tuotteitamme, jotta he voivat kokea itse, miltä luonnollisesti tasapainoinen iho tuntuu. Tässä tulokset:


“Ihoni on ns. Roceaiho ja kärsin ruusufinnistä. Ongelmani on pesun jälkeinen kiristys ja punoitus sekä näppylät. Päivän mittaan iho rasvoittuu ja kiiltelee”, kertoo Mari, yksi testaajistamme.

“Henuan tuotteiden käyttöönoton jälkeen äitini kysyi mitä olen tehnyt iholleni, kun se suorastaan hehkuu! Ihon punoitus ja kutina on poissa sekä kipeitä ihonalaisia "paiseita" ei ole tullut. Iho on heleä ja kosteutettu. Ihon väri on tasaisempi ja on suorastaan ilo katsoa aamulla peiliin, kun uusia kipeitä näppylöitä ei ole yön aikana tullut. Itsetunto on noussut kun iho voi paremmin”, Mari jatkaa.

“Yksi iso muutos on ihohuokoseni. Nenässäni ihohuokoset ovat olleet isot ja niihin kertyy talia. Nyt ne ovat pienentyneet ja talin eritys vähentynyt”, Sanna-Kaisa iloitsee.

“Tuntuu että tuotteet oikeasti kosteuttavat ihoa, koska päivän jälkeen ei ole edes pakonomaista rasvauksen tuntua vaan iho pysyy joustavana ja pehmeänä aamusta iltaan. Isoin asia minkä olen huomannut on silmien ympäriltä kadonneet rypyt”, Anniina kertoo.