Scandinavian skin care secret that everyone is raving about


Please find summary of the text in Finnish at the end of this blog post/ Suomenkielinen tiivistelmä blogin lopussa.

At Henua, we don’t use water in our skincare. We know water is good for you, of course, but we never settle for just good. That is why we have replaced regular water in our products with natural Finnish birch sap. This nutrient and vitamin rich elixir is at the heart of our skincare philosophy of utilising only the most potent natural ingredients. Nothing more but more than enough.

A birch tree is packed with nutrients. It also has an incredible water purification system. So when water filters through the tree, it draws into itself all the minerals, proteins, antioxidants and vitamins that naturally reside in the tree. That purified and supercharged water, is harvested each spring in Finland by drilling a hole to the tree and letting the sap naturally come out.

To put it simply, birch sap is nature’s own supercharged vitamin water.

Birch sap in skincare is most commonly used because it has the ability to reduce inflammation. It also hydrates, detoxifies, and purifies skin and gives the complexion an improved texture and tone. And it’s all natural! No wonder skincare trendsetters have gone to utilizing this natural ingredient not only externally but also internally - yes, the sap is actually very liquid and not syrupy like most other tree extracts. This means it’s actually ready to drink as such!


Why is birch sap used in skincare?

Birch sap has an abundance of amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants and minerals that help your skin retain moisture and protect the skin barrier function. 

Because it is so nutrient rich it also has a myriad of skin care benefits. It is super concentrated with vitamin B3 that evens out your skin tone, vitamin B5 which can help promote skin healing, and vitamin B12 which can help in preventing hyper-pigmentation. 

It is also packed with vitamin C - the superstar skincare ingredient that helps slow the visible signs of the ageing process and fights to keep wrinkles and fine lines away. Vitamin A within the birch sap helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and increases blood flow to the skin giving you a glowing and healthy complexion. 

Birch sap is the next coconut water

While water is great for you, birch sap is a superdrink that is becoming a popular staple also in the kitchen. Throughout centuries birch sap has been used as a medical plant especially in northern Europe for its healing properties. Because birch juice is clear and only has a hint of sweetness in flavor, it is also very easy and refreshing to drink. 

Birch sap is a great source for minerals and vitamins that nourish your skin also from the inside. It’s a natural hydrator but it also has minerals like magnesium and amino acids that help promote your health in multiple ways beyond just skin beauty.

Health enthusiasts are turning to birch sap and over the past couple of years it has generated a lot of interest and promising new brands utilising it also on the health food section, so you can actually find it next to your vitamin water in addition to your skincare shelf!


Spring clean your skincare routine

Spring is the season when birch sap is harvested from the forest. Henua uses Finnish birch sap which comes from trees growing in the wild. With the cleanest nature in the world, Finland is the perfect place to source this star ingredient into our all-natural skincare line.

Adding birch sap products into your skincare routine this spring can ease a lot of seasonal issues: claming redness, adding a layer of protection and even fighting free radicals and pollution. It is the perfect time to spring clean your skincare routine from ingredients that you do not need and add simple, potent and natural ingredients that work gently to improve your skin.

Even the most delicate skin can benefit from birch sap and even the most demanding skincare enthusiast will see the active effect it has on skin. It truly is a natural miracle, and harnessing its unique powers to Henua products has been at the core of our journey. 


Products with birch sap: 

Recharging Moisturizer, Beautifying Toner, Energizing Body Lotion

Lyhyesti suomeksi

Henuan tuotteissa tähtiraaka-aine on koivumahla. Se korvaa tavallisen veden ja tuo tuotteisiin samalla uskomattoman määrän vitamiineja ja hivenaineita. Koivun oma suodatusmekanismi kuljettaa vettä puun läpi, jolloin siihen imeytyy mineraaleja, proteiinia, antioksidantteja ja vitamiineja. Keväisin tätä koivun omaa eliksiiriä voidaan valuttaa suoraan puusta ja kerätä hyödynnettäväksi ihonhoitotuotteissa.


Koivumahla rauhoittaa punoitusta ja ärtynyttä ihoa. Se myös puhdistaa ihoa ja auttaa tasoittamaan sen sävyä. Ehkä tunnetuin koivumahlan tehoaineista on C-vitamiini, mutta se sisältää runsaasti myös B-ryhmän vitamiineja, jotka hellivät ihon omia suojamekanismeja.


Koivumahla on löytänyt tiensä viime vuosina myös kauppojen juomahyllyille, eikä ihme. Se on raikasta ja kevyesti makeaa ja sen terveyshyödyt myös sisäisesti nautittuna ovat huimat. Kookosveden sijasta maailmalla kohistaan nyt mahlasta!


Kevät on paitsi koivumahlan keräämisen aika, myös täydellinen aika miettiä oman ihonhoitorutiinin päivittämistä. Samalla kun kevätsiivoat kotisi, myös kylpyhuoneen kaappi kannattaa katsoa läpi ja karsia sieltä kaikki turha. Tehoaineet, jotka vastaavat kerralla moneen tarpeeseen, tekevät ihonhoidosta helppoa niin kauneusintoilijalle kuin luonnollisuutta ja helppoutta arvostavalle.