New Scientific Evidence Backs Our Microbiome Mask!
Suomenkielinen käännös lopussa.
Scientific Breakthrough! Atopic dermatitis patients benefit from the regular use of the lotion containing natural microbial biodiversity. Researchers at Uute Scientific have found that regular application of their microbial extract on the skin significantly reduces the need for medication in those with atopic skin conditions. This extract mimics natural exposure to environmental microbes, which may support the treatment of various health issues.
This is fantastic news for us, as our Microbiome Mask includes this scientifically proven ingredient!

Key Findings from the Study
Reduced Medication for Atopic Skin
The study showed that a cream containing the microbial extract significantly lowered the need for medications typically used to treat atopic skin. This means that incorporating products like the Microbiome Mask into your routine could help reduce reliance on traditional treatments and improve your skin naturally.
Stronger Skin Barrier
One of the main challenges with atopic skin is its weakened barrier, making it prone to irritation and inflammation. The research revealed that participants using the microbial extract experienced a significant strengthening of their skin's protective layer, especially during the colder months when symptoms often worsen.
Wider Health Benefits of Microbial Extracts
This groundbreaking study is the first of its kind to highlight the health advantages of microbial extracts sourced from natural biodiversity. The findings suggest that the diversity of the forest biome plays a critical role in supporting skin defenses and managing immune-related issues like atopic dermatitis.

Study Details
The study followed 142 adults with atopic dermatitis over seven months. Participants applied either a cream containing the microbial extract or a placebo cream. Their symptoms were closely monitored throughout the process.
The results showed that the microbial extract helped reinforce the skin’s natural defenses and provided greater benefits compared to traditional skincare solutions.
Why Is This Important?
Modern lifestyles, with excessive hygiene and reduced exposure to nature, have contributed to the rise of immune-related conditions like atopic dermatitis. This research confirms that integrating natural microbes into skincare routines can significantly enhance skin health, reduce the need for medications, and offer natural protection.

Microbiome Mask -naamiomme sisältää juuri tätä tieteellisesti todistettua ainesosaa!
Tutkimuksen keskeiset tulokset
Vähemmän lääkkeitä atooppisen ihon hoitoon:
Ihon suojakerroksen vahvistuminen:
Mikrobiuutteen laajat terveyshyödyt:
Tutkimuksen toteutus
Tutkimukseen osallistui 142 atooppista ihottumaa sairastavaa henkilöä, jotka käyttivät joko mikrobiuutetta sisältävää voidetta tai lumevoidetta seitsemän kuukauden ajan. Osallistujien oireita seurattiin tarkasti tutkimuksen aikana.
Mikrobiuutetta sisältävä voide vahvisti ihon omaa puolustuskykyä ja tarjosi merkittäviä etuja perinteisiin hoitomuotoihin verrattuna.
Miksi tämä on tärkeää?
Nykyajan elintavat, liiallinen hygienia ja vähäinen kosketus luontoon ovat johtaneet immuunivälitteisten sairauksien, kuten atopian, lisääntymiseen. Tämä tutkimus osoittaa, että luonnollisten mikrobien tuominen ihonhoitorutiineihin voi merkittävästi parantaa ihon terveyttä, vähentää lääkkeiden tarvetta ja suojata ihoa luonnollisella tavalla.